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920 lines
Documentation for AD-EDIT V3.01, updated 03/03/88
(C) Copyright 1985-88 by Allen Driskill
This .DOC file is formatted for printing on 8.5 inch paper at 8 lines
per inch, or on 11 inch paper at 6 lines/inch. Assuming this file is
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Table of Contents
Topic Page
----------------------------------------------- ----
Licensing Information 1
General Information 2
List and explanation of distribution files 2
System Requirements and Miscellany 3
Starting AD-EDIT from the DOS command line 4
Entering strings on the Input Line 5
Entering parameters via the Esc key 5
Keyboard Layout 6
Pick-Close-Put Buffer 11
Spelling Checker (via Turbo Lightning) 12
Translation Table Files 13
Turbo Pascal I/O Error Codes 14
Suggested/Anticipated Enhancements 15
Suggested but Rejected Changes 16
History of changes 17
Changing Defaults (Color, Printer, etc) 18
Licensing Information Page 1
--------------------- ------
AD-EDIT is a full-screen text editor for the IBM PC and compatibles
written by:
Allen Driskill
5193 Taylor Lane Avenue
Hilliard, Ohio 43026
Phone: (614) 876-0885
and available on several bulletin boards in Columbus, Ohio:
NoChange #12 (614) 764-6744
C.O.R.E. (614) 864-2673
AD-EDIT is ShareWare. You are granted a limited license to use AD-EDIT,
and to copy and distribute it, providing that the following conditions are
1. The software is distributed intact (not modified by other
than the author), including documentation and supplemental
2. There is no charge made for the copy, other than a reasonable
duplication/media fee which may be charged by clubs or
organizations for copies given to members or guests.
Individuals may become licensed users by sending $10 to the author.
Licensed users may call (6-10 P.M. EST) or write the author to report
and obtain fixes for program bugs. Licensed users are notified by
mail of significant new releases.
Commercial or governmental organizations may not use this software
without paying a single-copy license fee of $30. Site licenses and
commercial distribution licenses are available; contact the author.
Contributions of less (or more) than $10 are also appreciated. Unlicensed
users are free to report bugs, etc, but no obligation will exist to
fix them or notify such users when bugs are fixed. Also, advice is not
provided to, or questions accepted from, unlicensed users except as the
mood strikes the author.
General Information Page 2
------------------- ------
Distribution of this software, and new updates to this software, is
generally made available via the public bulletin boards listed above.
If you send a floppy and a prepaid return mailer, I will distribute
copies in that form, also.
Any user, licensed or not, is encouraged provide feedback to the
author on ways to improve AD-EDIT. Please send feedback via US Mail or
bulletin board mail, and indicate how I may contact you to discuss
your ideas.
Distribution Files
In the AD-EDIT distribution package (normally a .ARC file created using
the PKARC program from PKWare, Inc) you should find the following files:
ADEDIT.DOC This documentation file
ADEDIT.EXE The executable AD-EDIT program; feel free to re-name
this to any name you like (E.EXE, EDITOR.EXE, etc)
ADEDIT.DEF Source for creating a LogiTech Mouse menu for AD-EDIT;
with minor changes can also be used with Microsoft
Mouse software
ADEDIT.DVP A DESQview 2.00 "Program Information File" for
installing AD-EDIT under DESQview 2.00 or above
**** Translation-table files ****
ALLPRINT.XLT Removes all non-printable ASCII characters
HIGHBITS.XLT Turns off the high bit of every byte
NO128S.XLT Removes all ASCII characters in 128-155 range
NOCTRL.XLT Removes all the low (< 32) value bytes
System Requirements and miscellany Page 3
---------------------------------- ------
Memory - at least 128K, the more the better. Text lines are limited
to 127 bytes in length. AD-EDIT memory management is fully
compatible with DOS; it may be invoked from other DOS applications
via the "EXEC" system call.
Dynamic memory requirement:
General Overhead- 32K bytes
Each Window - 100 bytes
Each line - 128 Bytes
Monitors - Should run on any monitor/adapter compatible with the
IBM Monochrome Display Adapter (MDA) or Color Graphics
Adapter (CGA) or Enhanced Graphic Adapter (EGA). AD-EDIT has
been tested on the IBM PC, XT, AT, 3270PC, Portable, Convertible,
PS/2 M60, the ITT Xtra, and the IDS Turbo.
Video Management - Writes directly to video RAM; uses only video page 0.
Uses a 25 lines by 80 columns screen format at all times.
AD-EDIT is "DESQview Aware", and should be installed with
"Writes direct to video memory" set to "NO". DESQview is
a trademark of Quarterdeck Office Systems.
Language- Borland's TURBO PASCAL V3.0, with some subroutines written in
Assembly language for speed.
Turbo Lightning (from Borland International) is required to use AD-EDIT's
spelling checking feature.
- Extremely fast flicker-free scrolling
- edit multiple files in multiple "windows"
- edit a single file in multiple "windows" (all windows
modify the same copy of the file)
- block operations: open,close,copy,move blocks of
- exit into DOS, then return to edit session
- split and merge files
- Word-wrap, line splitting, and line-merging
- CAPS mode for all-upper-case editing
- character translation abilities
Starting AD-EDIT from the DOS command line Page 4
------------------------------------------ -------
AD-EDIT is started from the DOS command line as follows:
ADEDIT [[d:][path][filename[.ext]]] [/B]
The first parameter specifies the name of the file to be edited.
If omitted, AD-EDIT will prompt for the file name. If no extension is
supplied, and the filename is not found, then AD-EDIT will check for
(in order) extensions of .txt, .asm, .bas, .c, .doc, and .pas; the
first file found is used.
[/B] specifies that AD-EDIT is to run in Black-and-White mode. The
default is for AD-EDIT to use color on CGA-compatible adapters, and
Black-and-White for monochrome adapters.
Screen layout
AD-EDIT uses a 25 line by 80 column screen format. The first 24 lines are
the "data" portion of the screen and are used to display the data within
the file(s) being edited.
Line 25 serves three functions:
As the "Status Line", it displays information about the current
"active window":
- the filename being edited
- The line and column within the file where the cursor is
currently positioned
- The percentage of memory that is still free for use.
- Whether the WRAP, CAPS and/or INSERT modes are active
As the "Input Line", where AD-EDIT prompts for information needed to
perform or complete some requested operation. After the requested
information is provided, the line is cleared and replaced by the
"Status Line".
As the "Message Line", where AD-EDIT displays error messages. Generally,
messages remain visible until the next keystroke, then they are
cleared and replaced by the "Status Line".
Entering strings on the "Input Line" Page 5
------------------------------------ ------
Some of the AD-EDIT functions will display a message "prompt" on the bottom
line of the screen, asking for you to supply a piece of information
(like "String to be searched for", "Replacement String", etc). While
you are entering the information in these cases, a limited set of editing
functions are available:
- Typing a character does what one would expect (the character appears)
- Using the Cursor-Left and Cursor-Right keys will move the cursor
to a particular location in the string you're typing
- Pressing the Del key deletes the character at the cursor; everything
to the right of the cursor shifts left
- Pressing the Ins key will toggle Insert/Overwrite mode (the initial
state is Overwrite mode) allowing characters to be added within the
- Pressing the backspace key will move the cursor left 1 space, and
then act just like the Del key
- Pressing the Home key will retrieve previously entered strings, and
then allow them to be edited
- Pressing the Esc key cancels input of the parameter (the whole deal
is forgotten)
Entering parameters via ESC key
Also, by pressing the ESC key, AD-EDIT will move the cursor to the bottom
line and wait for input, in which case you can:
- Use the arrow keys to move the cursor: This is called "Cursor-
defined mode" where you "mark" a group of lines or block of text
by drawing a box around them (see description of F9 (OPEN) and
F10 (CLOSE))
- Enter a number to cause the next operation to be repeated a
certain no. of times (see F9 (OPEN) and F10 (CLOSE))
Keyboard layout ("Buttons, Buttons, who's got the buttons") Page 6
--------------- ------
<Up Arrow>
<Down Arrow>
<Left Arrow>
<Right Arrow> - These keys move the cursor in the indicated
direction within the active window. If the cursor is
moved off the edge to the right or left, it will "wrap"
and re-appear at the opposite edge. If the cursor is
off the top or bottom, AD-EDIT will scroll the file 1 line
in that direction.
<Ctrl-Right Arrow> - Scrolls the file so that the column containing the cursor is in the left-most column of the window (
"right" in the file)
<Ctrl-Left Arrow> - Scrolls the file so that the column containing the
cursor is in the right-most column of the window (moves
"left" in the file)
<HOME> - Moves the cursor to the top line of the window without
changing columns
<PgUp> - Scrolls the file so that the line currently containing the
cursor is at the bottom of the window (moves "up" in the file).
<Ctrl-PgUp> - Scrolls to the top screen of the file
<PgDn> - Scrolls the file so that the line currently containing the
cursor is at the top of the window (moves "down" in the file).
<Ctrl-PgDn> - Scrolls to the bottom screen of the file
<End> - Saves changes to the file in the active window and closes the
active window.
<Ctrl-End> - Closes the active window WITHOUT saving changes to the
<Del> - Deletes 1 character at the cursor location by shifting all
characters to the right of the cursor left 1 column.
<Ins> - Toggle "Insert mode" on/off
<back-space> - Moves the cursor left one column, then acts like <Del>
<Enter> or <Return> - Moves the cursor to the left-most column of the
next line in the window.
<tab> - Moves cursor right to the next tab setting (if any)
Keyboard layout (continued) Page 7
--------------- -------
<back-tab> - Moves cursor left to the previous tab setting (if any)
<Esc> - Enters parameter-definition mode:
- If the next key pressed is one of the <arrow> keys,
AD-EDIT enters "Cursor-defined-area mode". The current
cursor location becomes the corner of a box; the
opposite corner of the box is defined by the new location
of the cursor. After moving the cursor and/or scrolling
the file to define the block to be acted on, an Fx key
is used to specify the action.
- If the next key pressed is NOT an <arrow> key, then
AD-EDIT expects a number to be entered.
While in either mode, pressing <Esc> again will restore AD-EDIT
to the exact condition existing before <Esc> was pressed the
first time.
<F1> - "HELP": Displays a list of the keyboard functions
<F2> - Set Tab: Sets a tab-stop at the current cursor column
<Ctrl-F2> - Clear Tab: Clear all Tab positions
<F3> - Pick up: Copies an area into the Pick-Close-Put Buffer:
<F3> Copies the line containing the cursor
<Esc><5><F3> Copies 5 lines beginning with the cursor line
<Esc><Cursor-Right 5 times><F3> Copies 5 characters
<Esc><Cursor-Right 5 times><Cursor-Down 3 times><F3> Copies
a 5-columns by 3 lines block of text
Keyboard layout (continued) Page 8
--------------- ------
<F4> - Find: Locates a string within the file:
<Ctrl-F4> - Repeat previous FIND
- Will prompt for string to be found
- Will prompt for FIND options:
C: Ignore upper/lower (C)ase during search
F: Find (F)irst occurrence
W: Find only if string occurs as a (W)ord
P: Find only if string occurs as a (P)refix
S: Find only if string occurs as a (S)uffix
R: Find only if string occurs within a (R)ange of
columns (will prompt for range)
A: Find (A)ll occurrences (only makes sense for
CHANGE; see F8)
N: (N)oshow; do not display each string as it is
<F5> - Put back: Copies the Pick-Close-Put buffer into the file at
the current cursor location.
<F6> - Erase to EOL: Erases all characters to the right of the cursor
<F7> - Toggle Word-wrap On/Off
<F8> - Change one string to another
- Prompts for string to find
- Prompts for FIND options (see F4)
- Prompts for replacement string
<F9> - Open: Create space in the file
<F9> opens 1 blank line at line containing cursor
<Esc><3><F9> opens 3 blank lines
<Esc><Cursor-Right 5 times><F9> opens 5 blank spaces
<Esc><Cursor-Right 5 times><Cursor-Down 5 times><F9> Opens
a box of 5 columns by 5 lines
Keyboard layout (continued) Page 9
--------------- ------
<F10> - Close: Delete space in file, deleted data is moved to the
Pick-Close-Put (PCP) buffer
(See F3, F9 for similar usage)
<Ctrl-F1> - Save file contents using original file name
<Alt-F1> - Will prompt for a new filename to be used during save
<Ctrl-F3> - Get File: Copy another file into current file at cursor
<Ctrl-F5> - Save last data Picked-Up or Closed to a file
<Ctrl-F6> - Not Used
<Ctrl-F7> - Toggle Caps On/Off: When Caps is ON, characters a-z are
translated to A-Z
<Ctrl-F8> - Repeat Change: Repeat the last CHANGE operation
<Ctrl-F9> - Break Line: Create a new line with all data to right of
the cursor
<Ctrl-F10> - Merge Lines: Append following line to line containing cursor;
delete the following line.
<Alt-F1> - Save PCP Buffer to File
<Alt-F2> - Open a new window:
<Alt-F2> creates window with current cursor location as
the upper left corner
<Esc><Move Cursor><Alt-F2> Creates a window in the
defined box
<Alt-F3> - Clear screen and EXEC DOS command-processor. Typing
"exit" will return to the AD-EDIT session
<Alt-F4> - Zoom active window to full-screen size, or restore to
original size.
Keyboard layout (continued) Page 10
--------------- -------
<Alt-F5> - Print File: Prints the in-memory copy of the file being
edited- will prompt for a printer/file name; just press
<CR> to use the default.
<Alt-F6> - Switch Window: goes through windows "round-robin"
<Alt-F7> - Invokes spelling checking beginning at the top of the file
<Alt-F8> - Invokes spelling checking beginning at the next word past
the current cursor position
<Alt-F9> - Perform character translation
<Alt-F10> - Set type of character translation. The types available are:
(U)ppercase - Translates characters `a' through `z' to
`A' through `Z'
(L)owercase - Translates characters `A' through `Z' to
`a' through `z'
(T)able - Loads and uses a Translate Table File
(See `Translate Table Files')
Pick-Close-Put (PCP) Buffer (or "Moving and Copying Text") Page-------------------
When sections of text (entire lines, or "boxes" of partial lines) are
either deleted (with the F10 "close" function) or picked up (with the F3
"pick" function) the text is saved in the Pick-Close-Put (PCP) buffer.
Data in the PCP can be retrieved by the F5 PUT function; thus copying
a section of text is done by PICKing it, and then Putting it in the new
location. Text is moved by Closing it from the old location and Putting
it at the new location.
When the PCP contains entire lines of text, the PUT function opens
the appropriate number of lines, and then copies in the PCP data.
Another way of saying this is that the PCP lines are inserted ahead of the
line containing the cursor when the "put" key is pressed.
When the PCP contains a "box" of text (portions of one or more lines),
the "put" key splits the existing file's lines and moves them right, to
make room for the box of text. This means that each partial line in the
PCP will be inserted into a line of the file.
The Ctrl-F5 key also retrieves the contents of the PCP, but writes the
data to a file. Thus, to copy a section of text into a new file, "pick" it
and then use Ctrl-F5. To move a section of text into a new file, "close"
the text, and then use Ctrl-F5.
The Spelling Checking Interface to Turbo Lightning Page 12
-------------------------------------------------- -------
Via the Alt-F7 and Alt-F8 keys, an interface to Borland International's
Turbo Lightning product is invoked. This allows spelling checking via
Lightning to be done on a file basis, instead of a word-by-word (as the
text is being entered) basis or a screen-by-screen (after the fact) basis.
When a spelling error is detected, AD-EDIT pauses with the cursor
positioned at the offending word. You may then use the Lightning
"hotkeys" to identify the correct spelling or synonym replacement.
If Lightning is not installed when the Spell-Check functions are invoked,
a message is issued and the request is ignored. To install lightning, exit
from AD-EDIT and install Lightning per its accompanying directions.
AD-EDIT is fully compatible with Turbo Lightning's "Auto Proof" mode and
text-replacement functions. The appropriate environment settings are as
Right Arrow Key 1 RGT (right-arrow cursor key)
Right Arrow Key 2 None
Left Arrow Key 1 LFT (left-arrow cursor key)
Left Arrow Key 2 None
Left Arrow Key 3 None
Backspace Key 1 BKS (Backspace key)
Backspace Key 2 None
Delete Key 1 DEL ("Del" key)
Delete Key 2 None
Insert Toggle 1 INS ("Ins" Key)
Insert Toggle 2 None
Get Words from Screen
Piping Delay 000
Auto Proof ON/OFF (However you like)
Starts in Overwrite Mode
Translation Table Files Page 13
----------------------- -------
The <Alt-F10> provides a (T)able translation option that allows the
loading of customized translation tables. These tables may be used for
any purpose, such as these files supplied as part of the AD-EDIT software
No128s.Xlt - "No 128s" will translate any character whose binary
value is 128 or higher to a blank.
NoCntrl.Xlt - "No control characters" will translate any character
whose binary value is less than 32 (the blank character)
to a blank.
AllPrint.Xlt - "All Printable" translates all characters less than 32
or greater than 128 to a blank
HighBits.Xlt - "High Bits" will turn off the high-order bit of every
character (handy for converting files from some word-
processors to true ASCII files)
Users may create their own .Xlt files; the file must be in ASCII format
(with carriage returns and line-feeds separating lines) and contain two
values on each line of the file. Each of the two values must be in the
range 0-255.
The first value specifies the source (original, old) character's binary
value, the second value specifies the destination (new) binary value for
that character. Thus, to convert ESC characters (Hex '1B', decimal 27)
to NULL characters (Hex '00', decimal 0), and to convert lower case
`a' through `e' to upper case `A' through `E', one would build a file
containing the following lines:
027 000 * ESC to NULL
097 065 * a to A
098 066 * b to B
099 067 * c to C
100 068 * d to D
101 069 * e to E
Turbo Pascal I/O (Input/Output) Error Codes Page 14
------------------------------------------- -------
If the message "I/O error; Code = ddd" appears (ddd represents a 3-digit
number), then some type of I/O error has occured. If the code is in the
range 1-99, it is a DOS code (see IBM DOS Technical Reference Manual). A
few examples of DOS codes are:
2 "File not found" - Should never appear
3 "Path not found" - Should never appear
4 "Too many files Open" - MS/DOS only allows a certain number of
files to be opened simultaneously. Check your MS/DOS documentation
about the "FILES=" parameter in the CONFIG.SYS file.
5 "File Access Denied" - The file's DOS "mode" bits (in the file's
directory) do not allow the attempted operation on the file.
6 "Invalid File Handle" - Should never appear
34 "ASSIGN to STD files not allowed' - Must be an AD-EDIT logic bug.
Codes greater than 99 are generated by Turbo-Pascal:
100 "Seek beyond end of file" - Should never appear
101 "Disk Write Error" - AD-EDIT displays the message "ERROR:
DISK IS FULL" for this code.
In any case- if a strange error occurs, call!
Anticipated/Requested Enhancements ("If I ever get to it ...") Page 15
---------------------------------- -------
(By the way; priority is always given to fixing bugs over installing
new features or enhancements)
A "flow text" function to line-fill areas of text
EBCDIC-to-ASCII and ASCII-to-EBCDIC .Xlt files for mainframe-connected
users (provided I can find a reasonable authority source for such
a translate table)
Make the status line appear in reverse-video mode on a monochrome
monitor (this seems to be a Turbo-Pascal bug).
Requested/Suggested but Rejected Changes ("Excuses, Excuses") Page 16
---------------------------------------- -------
Allow re-assigning keys: I think there are just too many keyboard
enhancers, macro processors, etc. etc. etc. for AD-EDIT to have this
feature built-in; I've already got one user who uses a resident
keyboard enhancer to make AD-EDIT work like the editor on an NCR
mainframe. No way can I compete....
Quit using the F_ (Function) keys; use stuff like Ctrl-K-D instead of
<End>, and <PgUp>:
1. See above under "re-assigning keys"
2. (Philosophical Opinion) The F_ keys were put on the IBM keyboard
to invoke program functions; the Ctrl-K-D stuff is a holdover from
ancient days (3-4 years ago) when most PCs didn't have the F_ keys.
Therefore, I think I'm doing the proper thing by avoiding them.
3. Lots of folks are already using Memory-Resident programs that use
Ctrl-Alt-Shift-etc combinations to wake themselves up. None of
the ones I've got use the F_ keys, so there's no conflict.
4. (Bald-Face Prejudice) I grew up using IBM mainframes; IBM
consoles (and later, terminals) always had PF (Program Function)
keys. I like 'em, I want 'em, I got 'em.
AD-EDIT Revision level History ("How I got here from there") Page 17
------------------------------ -------
2.12 Performance: Optimized screen I/O so that only data-bytes (and
not attribute bytes) are re-written; removed extra colors for
window borders and cursor-defined boxes
2.13 Code Size/Performance: Tuned HELP facility for extra
screen-write speed, and reduced core requirements for code+data.
2.14 Performance: Tuned the window-management routines for speed-
replaced calls to Turbo routines with Assembler subroutine
2.15 Added "Exit without saving changes" confirmation message; added
I/O error detection handlers; reduced no. of reserved lines at
bottom of screen from 3 to 1.
2.16 Fixed "Cursor Defined" message that did not clear after using
Esc to exit from cursor-definition mode; changed exit routine to
display last message after clearing screen.
2.17 Fixed cursor location problem (causing wild scroll) after
splitting screen horizontally; changed exit routine to set text
color to light gray (like DOS default) instead of brilliant
white; fixed erroneous "No function for that key" message for
F2 (Set tab).
2.18 Added code to allow editing of filenames with no extension, and
added search for default extensions if none is supplied.
2.19 Added Spell-Check interface to Turbo Lightning.
2.20 Made optimizations; added read-ahead processing
12/13/86 to prevent keyboard buffer from filling up and to eliminate
"drift" when user holds down a key for a relatively long
operation (like close-line, scroll, etc).
Fixed bug that caused a 'Wrap-around' effect when
restoring PCP boxes and not enough file lines were left.
2.21 Added Translation facilities: Upper case, Lower case and Table
01/23/87 driven. The ".Xlt" files were added to the AD-EDIT distribution
Corrected glitch in Find/Change commands that caused
status line to not be cleared when user hit ESC during input of
a parameter.
AD-EDIT Revision level History Page 18
------------------------------ -------
01/24/87 Added confirmation ANY TIME the <End> key is used (several
users had complained about accidentally hitting <End> while
groping for one of the cursor keys...)
Deleted most of the window-management code that tried to keep
the whole 24x80 screen in use (seemed to confuse most users
when window sizes changed 'automatically').
'Fixed the bug' (I thought of it as a 'feature') that treated
2 filenames as different if the capitalization was different;
now all filenames are carried in upper case.
Fixed a bug that caused an Endless Loop when using <End>
with more than 2 un-modified files loaded into Windows.
2.23 Fixed bug that caused DOS to crash if "Out of Memory" occurred
01/31/87 while loading the first file.
Added code to give "Error: Disk is full!" message anytime this
error occurs during file output; AD-EDIT does not terminate,
allowing the file to be saved on another disk/etc. Added code
to provide the Turbo Pascal I/O error code for any other I/O
error (also added list of these codes to the .DOC file).
Added "Table of Contents" page to .DOC file, at suggest of
several users.
2.24a (Released for Beta-Testing only)
Re-structured program to allow easy replacement of the video
I/O routines; created EDITA program using ANSI.SYS screen
control; added LOGIMOUSE menu definition file.
Added Alt-F5 "Print File" function after being convinced by
a call from a (Paying) user. Also documented how to to zap
the screen colors and default printer name. Tossed the
ANSI version of AD-EDIT after several abortive attempts to
implement under various BBS systems and Modem packages. See
"Enhancements" under "ANSI AD-EDIT". Created new "AD-EBBS"
AD-EDIT Revision level History Page 19
------------------------------ -------
Added "DESQview awareness"; AD-EDIT will run in "small windows"
or in background under DESQview. Added a default tab-stop
in columns 1 and 80 (allows tab/back-tab keys to position at
end/start-of-line). Added recognition of active monitor
on multi-monitor systems. Added code to skip video-sync
processing on MDA and EGA. Documented patch to disable
video sync unconditionally. Fixed several "glitches" when
running under IBM's "3270 PC Control Program". Fixed a bug
causing back-tab from cols 73-80 to act screwy. Added
additional editing functions when inputting parameters
Converted to Turbo-Pascal Version 4.00; Changed "xx% Free" on
status line to "xxxK Free"
3.01 Fixed bug in "find" routine that sometimes caused spurious
03/03/88 "hits". Modified word-wrap on last line of file to scroll down
1 line and correctly position cursor.
Changing Defaults Page 20
----------------- -------
The following describes how to "patch" the ADEDIT.EXE file, using the
DOS "debug" command, to change certain default values. Unless you are
familiar with "debug", please don't try this. Unless you are very, very,
confident about using "debug" DON'T USE YOUR ONE-AND-ONLY COPY OF
Locate the color settings by searching for "[COLORS]"; the following 7
bytes specify the colors (in this order) for:
Foreground of Data portion of screen (Default: 06 (Brown))
Background of Data portion of screen (Default: 00 (Black))
Border of the screen (Default: 08 (Dark Gray))
Foreground of "Status Line" (Default: 00 (Black))
Background of "Status Line" (Default: 02 (Green))
Foreground of HELP screen (Default: 0F (White))
Background of HELP screen (Default: 01 (Blue))
The values to set are:
00: Black 04: Red 08: DarkGray 0C: LightRed
01: Blue 05: Magenta 09: LightBlue 0D: LightMagenta
02: Green 06: Brown 0A: LightGreen 0E: Yellow
03: Cyan 07: LightGray 0B: LightCyan 0F: White
Default Printer
Search for the string "[PRINTER]"; immediately following should be a
a byte giving the maximum length of the default printer name (originally
09 in release 2.25). Insert the new name, padding the field to its
maximum length with blanks (Value: Hex 20).
Disabling Video Synchronization (for non-IBM CGA-compatible cards)
Search for the string "[NORETRACE]"; immediately following should be a
byte of hex 0 (00H, X'00'). Set this byte to disable synchronizing
video updates with video retrace states.
Changing Defaults Page 21
----------------- -------
Example: Transcript of changing the data screen to Blue characters on
a Yellow background with a White Border
(Offsets shown should not be used as-is: they may differ on your
machine, and WILL differ from release-to-release of AD-EDIT!!)
AX=0000 BX=0000 CX=9668 DX=0000 SP=FFFE BP=0000 SI=0000 DI=0000
0E7E:0100 E9792C JMP 2D7C
-s cs:0100 l 9668 "[COLORS]"
-d 0e7e:2e2b
0E7E:2E20 5B 43 4F 4C 4F [COLO
0E7E:2E30 52 53 5D 06 00 08 00 02-0F 01 5B 50 52 49 4E 54 RS].......[PRINT
0E7E:2E40 45 52 5D 09 4C 50 54 31-20 20 20 20 20 55 8B EC ER].LPT1 U..
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